Wild Mushroom Focaccia

Wild Mushroom Focaccia

If you can memorise a good focaccia recipe from scratch, you’ll always have something super simple yet massively impressive up your sleeves for those moments you’re hosting. I really believe people overthink breads and baking and get super intimidated by precise weights and timings. The reality though is that good quality breads can be eyeballed. All of my weights and measurements listed in this recipe are approximate (and that’s ok).


30 minutes

30 minutes


3-4 Servings



Pinch of fresh thyme
1 x punnet of exotic mushrooms
Plenty of olive oil
Flaky sea salt
Black Pepper
Geo Watkins Mushroom Ketchup
2-3 cloves of thinly sliced garlic
For the Foccacia

500g Strong White Bread Flour
400g Warm Water10g Dry Yeast10g Salt10g Honey (or something else sugary)

1. Combine all dough ingredients in a mixing bowl using a fork
2. Use a dough scraper to scrape and fold the dough a few times within the bowl
3. Wild Mushroom Focaccia 3
4. Cover the bowl and either leave in a warm place for a few hours - or place in the fridge overnight (typically I prepare the dough the day before and rise in the fridge)
5. Once the dough has risen as described above, grab a high-sided baking tray and line it with some baking paper
6. Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil and spread over the baking paper
7. Empty the dough into the baking tray and spread it out
8. Let the dough rest, covered, for 30 minutes After 30 minutes drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the top and make dimples in the dough with your fingers
9. Sprinkle flakey sea salt over the dough and add all other toppings
10. drizzle in Geo Watkins Mushroom Ketchup
11. Bake in a HOT oven for around 25 minutes (I made mine outside in a wood-fired pizza oven)
12. Remove the bread from the oven and place on a cooling rack
13. Whilst it’s hot, drizzle more extra virgin olive oil over the bread
14. Allow to cool and ENJOYYYYYY!
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